The amount of information and the speed at which content is currently produced may seem overwhelming. If you have a message, product or service to deliver to the masses you may wish to use social media to connect with customers, friends or potential buyers.
But you first have to be heard.
How among all the social platforms will your voice be heard above the throng of tweets, posts and status updates?
Step 1: Craft a Plan
The first step to standing out from the crowd on social media is to plan. We know of a jewelry company who thought it was a ‘good idea to get on Facebook.’ After opening a Facebook page and uploading a few pictures of jewelry they were disheartened to see very few people connecting with their business. They didn’t have a plan.
We’ll get into a few specifics below, but the old saying “if you fail to plan you plan to fail” certainly rings true.
Step 2: Set Your Goals
While crafting your plan, be specific. Use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based) as a guide. Ensure each of your tasks includes each and every S.M.A.R.T. item.
Step 3: Solicit for Feedback
Once a plan is crafted, consider that draft one. Perhaps you want to connect with customers on a social network like Facebook. Once you’ve crafted a plan using S.M.A.R.T. goals to do that, ask someone (and we’d be happy to help) what they think of your plan. It could be that Facebook may be the wrong platform and Pinterest or Google+ may better serve your demographic. Get a second opinion.
Step 4: Remain Consistent and Flexible
Consisten and flexible may seem dichotomous, but they’re not. A good parent is both consistent as well as flexible. The sam remains true for social media. As social media continues to expand, consistently learning new trends and methods of connection enables us not to get in a rut, rigidly refusing to adjust to changes in technological advances.

Tags: Business, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, S.M.A.R.T., Social media, Twitter