Posts Tagged ‘Social Networking’


Are the Right People Following You?

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

If you’re using Twitter regularly, you’ve probably wondered how to get more followers.  Some may not even know why they want more, but they will go to great lengths to get them.  As of this moment, if you Google the phrase “How do I get more Twitter followers?”, you’ll receive about 353 MILLION results.

There’s no doubt that having a large amount of followers on Twitter is a good thing (unless you tweet the wrong thing).  It allows you to cast a larger net of influence, sell more products, and connect with potential clients.  The more you have, the better… right?

Not necessarily.

For example, let’s say you run a company that sells a health drink containing a variety of vitamins and nutrients that are essential for people over the age of 50.  You read an article somewhere that reveals the fact that your core demographic is one of the largest adopters of social media.  You sense an opportunity, and decide that it’s time to devote time an energy to connecting with them on Twitter.

You’re not a social media expert by any means, so you decide to promote a recent college grad to the position of Social Media Coordinator for your company.  This person has an enormous amount of followers on Facebook and Twitter, so they obviously know what they’re doing.  After a few weeks on the job, your recent grad has increased the number of people following your company’s tweets significantly.

There’s only one problem.  The recent grad is using the tactics that allowed him to grow his own follower base, which is attracting an audience that is much too young for your brand.   This results in a higher amount of followers, but you aren’t selling any more product.  The majority of people reading your company’s tweets every day have no reason to buy your product.  At the end of the day, 50 engaged and motivated twitter followers are more valuable to you than 1 million followers who barely scan your tweets.

When developing a social media strategy, it’s more important to focus on the quality of followers you have, as opposed to the quantity.  It’s easy to get caught up in the game of increasing your amount of followers, but you have to remember why you’re using social media in the first place.  Keeping your social strategy in line with the rest of your marketing efforts will yield the greatest return on investment.

Should Tumblr Be a Part of Your Social Media Strategy?

Friday, May 27th, 2011

Tumblr, created by David Karp in 2007, has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years.  Though, when I say “leaps and bounds”, I’m really not painting an accurate picture.  It has been reported that Tumblr is growing by an average of 250 million page views…not by year or even by month…by week.

Tumblr has become known as the home of the latest GIFs and cat photos, but the platform offers so much more than that.  Some of the best political commentary can be found there, as well as stunning photography and beautiful poetry.  Tumblr’s power users tend to be young and tech savvy, much like the early days of Twitter.

Although it’s huge, Tumblr can feel like a tight community.  But, unlike the cliques you knew in high school, it’s very welcoming to newcomers that bring something fresh to everyone’s dashboard.  Some companies have caught on, and they are experiencing great success with the platform.  Others, however, tend to flounder while they desperately seek more followers.  How can you ensure that Tumblr will help build a community around your brand?

A friend of mine, Andrew, runs a highly successful site on Tumblr called Money Is Not Important. As soon as you visit the site, you’ll instantly recognize that it’s not your typical personal finance blog.  In addition to insightful articles that seek to change our mindsets on how we view money, Andrew posts great quotes from current and historical leaders, amazing works of art involving money, and inspirational images that beg to be reblogged.  All of this has led to thousands of people following the site daily.

I asked Andrew to share a few of the secrets to his success, and these were his suggestions:

Keep it short

With Twitter, everyone knows that we’re limited to 140 characters.  With Tumblr, however, there are no such restrictions.  Some companies make the mistake of making their posts too long.  While there is a “Long Read” tag on the site, most successful users have learned that your followers appreciate short posts that get straight to the point.  If someone follows you on Tumblr, every post you make shows up in their dashboard.  If you take up too much real estate on someone’s dashboard, you’re sure to be unfollowed quickly.  Keep your writing to 500 words or less.  If you feel the need to share longer posts, do it on another blogging platform and simply post the link on your Tumblr page.


Use the right graphics

Stock photography has its place, but you should avoid most of it here.  Tumblr users tend to value creativity and originality, and stock photos can give your page a stale feeling.  Instead, use original photography, or reblog someone’s photo (giving credit, of course) as the visual for your post.


Make it personal

It’s important with Twitter, and the same thing holds true with Tumblr.  Given the fact that the platform is a tight community, your would-be followers can smell a “corporate” blog from a mile away.  Let your company’s true culture show through.  Let your followers know what your company does, but also show them what it’s like to work there.  Answer questions from your followers, and let them get to know the person that runs the blog.

Although the benefits of Tumblr can be difficult to measure, it’s massive growth has brands scrambling to get a page up and running.  If you think you have what it takes to become part of the community, take the opportunity to make your brand a big fish in a relatively small pond.