We’ve asked the question previously, “Should Tumblr be a part of your social media campaign?” Our answer was a resounding yes, but the trail was still being blazed in terms of how to do it, exactly.
Recently, Aldo, a fashion label that focuses mainly on reasonably priced shoes and accessories for men and women, launched a campaign for their Tumblr site called Aldo Rise (aldorise.tumblr.com). Using the tried and true social media contest, Aldo is awarding 5 Tumblr bloggers the chance to have New York based creative agency Alldayeveryday design a custom theme for their site, which is valued at $1,000, and 5 reblogs from the Aldo Rise Tumblr. All that is required is that you follow Aldo Rise, and provide the name and a description of your site.
It’s obvious that quite a bit of thought was put into the implementation of this contest.
First, one of the core values that separates Tumblr from other microblogging sites is its emphasis on design. Not only is it simple to use one of the many beautiful themes already available, but Tumblr also encourages users with the know-how to create their own. Aldo has identified this and made it a central them of their contest by offering a chance to have a customized, professionally designed theme.
Secondly, reblogs are highly valuable to the Tumblr community. Offering to reblog someone’s page 5 times throughout the year wasn’t necessary to make this contest work, but it certainly sweetens the offer.
Aldo will certainly reap the benefits of many new followers from this contest. Of course, as we all know, it doesn’t matter how many followers you have if none of them are engaged with your brand message. It will be interesting to see how the Aldo Rise Tumblr site chooses to foster their newly acquired community.

Tags: Aldo, Aldo Rise, Alldayeveryday, Blog, New York City, Social media, Tumblr, Twitter